Friday, August 15, 2008

There's a Hole, in my life, ya

A big hole. strike that. a biiiiiiig hole, much larger than i expected, under the house. From our meager (but sincere) beginnings with two shovel guys on day one, the concrete footing supporting the new staircase (and by load-bearing extension, the entire house), has mutated like the creature from the Black Lagoon, overflowing--or rather, undercutting-- it neat boundaries in the crawl space and intruding smack dab into...our sauna!

This thing has at least doubled in size and depth, fulfilling my worst nightmares of money poured into concrete under the house, all apart of the $20k Hiccough. Evidently Adam the Derailing Engineer (too obvious?) had second thoughts about the amount of money that needed to be wasted overbuilding this thing for the next millennium and ordered the new footing greatly expanded. His protrusion into what used to be Spa Moreno will now require a total reconception of how the underhouse works. Arg. That room made us so happy.

So RIP Spa Moreno. We hope you will rise again.

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