Monday, July 14, 2008

Weak #1

First week: not stellar. 

We have a hole (thanks Jose and Arturo!) for the footing that will support the new staircase and, incidentally, the center of the house. The old staircase is gone, as is the wall between the dining room and kitchen. the place seems larger, of course, and I'm sure a lot of ordering/planning/scheduling happened in the background, but we haven't had a crew more than 3 on the property yet and I'm hoping that changes soon.

We had so much pent up energy for the project we assumed the contracting crew did too. But I suppose it is more reasonable to understand that a project like this will ramp up. I kinda want to grab a hammer and get to it, but I'll keeping pounding on the keyboard trying to get this draft out. Perhaps the two are related. Wouldn't be the first time my work and life were moving on invisible but parallel tracks. In those cases, I only discovered after the fact, and perhaps that will be the case here as well.

Steve and I continue to go back and forth over the contract. The latest notion is that "I want my cake and to eat it to," which i confess I found a bit unfair, even if it might have been made in half jest ("kidding on the square," Al Franken calls it). I'm trying, perhaps futilely, to build a time plus materials/not to exceed contract that includes both an incentive fee for them to come in under budget, but also some enforceable control on overages. Steve's first draft basically said the budget was a guide only, and provided no guarantees. That seemed too much risk for me./ I want to share the risk and share the reward. He, justifiably, wants to protect himself. I believe we can find a middle ground, but in so doing, the number keeps going up. It's making my brain hurt, but I'm going to see it through. the annuls of construction are littered with the remains of unprotected homeowners. Mikey Holmes taught me that (;-))

Also, in a fit of I-don't-know-what, I bought a scooter on Saturday. Funny money impulse buy. I hope it doesn't kill me. If it does, this blog is done and everyone should know that Elicia and Charlie are the two most important, beautiful things that ever happened to my life (Just thought I'd put that down in print somewhere, in case).

The scooter's cool, though. Comes in this week.

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