Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring has sprung

Spring came to the house as if it didn't matter if we were there or not. It's startling. The Australian tea trees ( left) have never looked lovelier and all the butterfly bushes E planted (right)  look like inviting pollen factories for our migrating Monarchs.

David next store slips by every once in a while and waters things, a kind and delicate gesture. i do as well when i go to pick up the mail.

Before the fire, we had just removed a beautiful Altissimo vine rose from in front of Montezuma's window to make way for the new lawn. After the fire, all of our burnt possessions were piled on the front lawn for weeks, effectively killing whatever grass was not destroyed by the firemen. it left our front lawn a hard packed patch of ash and cinder, liberally mixed with pieces of glass, metal lathe, 90 year old nails, charlie's marbles, melted plastic,and whatever else got dragged outside. the watering system was wholly destroyed of course, and so the former lawn dried to a Bonneville Salt Flat firmness.

As March came in like a lion (well, more like a puddy cat in LA), not one, but three stalks of the aforementioned rosebush poked their tender shoots through the clay and sprouted green leaves. 

Tenacious little bugger.

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